Results re Ratification vote

Good morning.  The voting closed at 8:00am this morning to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Coquitlam and CUPE 386.  We received notice this morning that the vote is a yes to ratify.  83.1% were in favour.

The Memorandum of Agreement will now be sent to be ratified by City Council.

Thank you to all members for their participation.  Membership participation was the highest that we recall.

Ratification Results – SimplyVoting

Final reminder re Ratification vote!

Hello all – this is a final reminder to inform you that cut off for registration to vote on the Ratification of the Collective Agreement is today, Thursday, at 4:00pm.    No late registrations will be accepted.

If you have had any issues with e-mail and feel that you have tried to register, but not received a ballot, please call the office at (604) 936-1810.  Again, please use your personal email address when registering at to vote (not your City e-mail).

Ratification of the Collective Agreement (update)

Please note, voting on the Ratification of the Collective Agreement has started, and will close on Friday, December 1st at 8:00am.

If you have not yet received a ballot and wish to vote, please e-mail from your PERSONAL e-mail account (do not use your City e-mail account).  Registration to vote will end Thursday at 4:00pm.  Late registrations will not be accepted.

Thank you!

Collective Agreement ratification vote – update

Thank you to the members who attended the Special Meeting this evening.   After listening to members’ concerns, the Bargaining Committee has decided to extend the voting for 48 hours, starting at Wednesday morning at 8:00am.   Therefore, you shall be able to vote up until 8:00am on Friday, December 1st.

Please note, the new cut off time for registration will be 4:00pm on Thursday.  We have made a note in SimplyVoting reflecting the time change. If you have not registered to vote, please email